Mitigating risks in concrete production

Combating aggregate quality problems

We rely on concrete to support demanding needs in virtually all new construction. Small variations in the coarse or fine aggregates in the concrete mix can have a dramatic effect on the concrete’s overall performance. The size, shape, absorption and texture of aggregates will impact the strength, durability and workability of the cocrete.

High quality aggregates are becoming scarce and increasingly difficult to find. The scarcity of quality aggregates is leading to the increased use of lower quality aggregates. For example, many fine aggregates contain high levels of swellable clays. These clays may absorb water and chemicals, which can lead to poor workability, lower strength, and increased shrinkage and cracking. This can lead to repair costs that place a major burden on contractors.

Learn about control flow concrete

With the use of lower quality aggregates on the rise, many contractors are relying on their concrete producers to use chemical admixtures that minimize the impact of using poor quality aggregates. For example, clay mitigating, water reducing admixtures help to mitigate the detrimental impact of swellable clays, resulting in higher-quality concrete.

This approach allows more aggregates to be sourced locally, resulting in lower costs. More importantly, this water reducer admixture solution ensures concrete is workable, consistent and high-quality.

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  • Cement production
  • Concrete
  • Concrete admixtures
  • Engineer
  • Structural Solutions